A bylaw relating generally to the conduct of the affairs of the AIRDRIE LADIES’ FASTBALL LEAGUE.
Unless otherwise defined herein, the following capitalized terms used in this By-Law shall have the
following meanings:
The name of the Association shall be the Airdrie Ladies’ Fastball League (“ALFL or League”)
The financial status of the association will be considered as a non-profit organization.
The object of this association shall be to promote and administer ladies softball in the City of Airdrie.
The Executive and Board for each year will act in the best interests of the League and any changes or
major decisions concerning the League will be voted on by the Board.
Number of Executive Officers: The Executive shall consist of no more than eleven (11) Officers. At any
time, the Executive must consist of at least, President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and
Operations Coodinator. At the time of election and throughout the term of office the Officer shall be a
Member of the League.
Election and Term: Officers are elected by the Members at the AGM. The term of each Officer shall be
one (1) year, except with respect to the President, who shall hold office for a term of two (2) years and
act as Immediate Past President for the next term, if not re-elected.
Executive Conduct: The Executive shall have full control and management of the business and affairs of
the League. The conduct of business by the Executive is subject to the By-Laws or directions given to
them by a majority vote at any meeting properly called and constituted.
Financial Authority: The Executive shall appoint three (3) signing officers from the elected Executive
during any given term. Two (2) signing authorities are required for financial transactions.
Meetings: Executive Meetings shall be called by any Officer as business of the League is required.
Minutes of the meeting will be taken by the Secretary, should the Secretary be unavailable the President
may appoint another Officer to take minutes.
Voting: All motions will be approved by simple majority vote, unless otherwise stated in the By-Laws.
With exception to the President, all Officers will have the power of one (1) vote. The President may only
vote in the event of a deadlock.
Responsibilities of Officers: All Officers are expected to have knowledge and understanding of the By-
Laws and League Rules. Officer responsibilities listed below include but are not limited to:
Immediate Past President:
Operations Coordinator:
Website & Marketing Coordinator:
Number of Committees: There is an unlimited number of Committees that can be formed. Committees
are formed or disbanded on an as needed basis, as determined by the Executive.
Committee Structure: Committees will be led by a Chairperson. Committees shall have a minimum of
one (1) member and an unlimited maximum to conduct the responsibilities of the Committee.
Chairperson Appointment and Terms: Committee Chairs are appointed on a volunteer basis. Should
more than one volunteer express an interest in the position, the Chair will be determined by a vote of
the Members at the AGM. The term for each Chair shall be for a minimum of (1) year. Committee Chair
appointments will be reviewed at each AGM.
Responsibilities of Committee Members: All Committee Members are expected to have knowledge and
understanding of the By-Laws and League Rules. Committee Chairs do not hold voting power.
Meetings of Committees: Meetings of Committees will be called as required by the Committee Chair.
Minutes of the meeting can be taken by any member of the Committee and forwarded to the Secretary
for filing.
Number of Members and Teams: There will be no limitation to the number of teams in the League.
Privileges of Membership: The Members of the association shall remain “in good standing” and receive
all the privileges of membership so long as:
a. their membership fees and outstanding fines remain paid;
b. there are no conflicts of interest with other leagues or umpires;
c. their association with the League was supported by the membership; and
d. the Waiver and Release is signed
Refusal of Membership: The League reserves the right to refuse membership and/or revoke the
membership of any Member by resolution of the Board with a reason being provided. In order to
revoke membership, the vote by the Board must be supported by 75% of the total vote.
Responsibilities of Members:
a. to be familiar with the Canadian Softball Rule Book;
b. to consider the business of the League as presented and to vote;
c. to elect Executive for the upcoming year;
d. to honor all financial obligations incurred by the League throughout the current season as
prescribed in the Rules & Regulations;
e. to attend League meetings and have two (2) Team Representatives in attendance; and
f. to notify the Executive by March 1 st of each season as to their teams participation in the League
for the upcoming season.
The location for all meeting shall be Airdrie, unless otherwise agreed upon by attendees.
The Annual General Meeting shall be held prior to the start of the current season.
Notice: All Members of the League shall receive notice of the AGM no later than twenty-one (21) days in
advance of the meeting.
Business of Meeting: The business required for conduct at the Annual General Meeting includes, but is
not limited to:
a. Approval of previous AGM Minutes;
b. Amendment to By-Laws;
c. Approval of previous year’s financial statements;
d. Approval of upcoming year budget; and
e. Election of Executive
Voting: All voting shall be by a show of hands, unless a motion demanding a ballot is brought forth. All
Members present will be allowed a vote. All motions shall be passed by a simple majority.
Minutes: Minutes of the meeting will be taken by the Secretary and filed in the League Minute Book.
Notice: The current Executive may call League Meetings at any time for the conduct of business. All
Member of the League shall receive notice and may be present.
Voting: All voting shall be by a show of hands, unless a motion demanding a ballot is brought forth.
Voting will be done by the Board (with no team having more than 2 Team Representatives).