Airdrie Ladies Fastball League Waiver and Release


In exchange for the right to participate in the Airdrie Ladies Fastball League, the undersigned hereby releases and forever discharges Airdrie Ladies Fastball League as well as its employees, administrators, agents, representatives and all other persons, firms, corporations and educational institutions that may be acting for or on behalf of Airdrie Ladies Fastball League (collectively all of the foregoing are a "Released Parties") from any and all claims, demands, actions, causes of action and suits of any kind and nature whatsoever and howsoever arising, that may in any way relate to any injury, damage, loss or death, whether to person or property, whether arising as a result of accident, negligence or otherwise, which is claimed or alleged to have arisen as a result of any act or omission of any of the Released Parties, whether in the course of any social, educational, athletic event or activity or otherwise that Airdrie Ladies Fastball League plans, sponsors, hosts, participates in or is otherwise involved with in any manner, whether now or in the future. This Waiver and Release also applies to any injury, damage or loss that may arise in the course of traveling to and from any such event or activity. The risks set out above include those foreseen and unforeseen, known and unknown. This Waiver and Release is binding on the heirs, executors, assigns and administrators of the undersigned.


This Waiver and Release is a complete waiver and release and the undersigned hereby waives any and all rights he or she may now have or which may arise in the future that may in any way act to limit the application or scope of this Waiver and Release, whether by estoppels, waiver or otherwise.


If you do not fully understand the provisions of this Waiver and Release you are encouraged to review the same with legal counsel and you agree and acknowledge that you have been provided with an opportunity for the same. The undersigned hereby declares that he or she has read and completely understands the terms of this Waiver and Release and is signing it voluntarily.


If you are under the age of 18, ALFL requires a printed, signed and witnessed copy of this additional waiver. Please ensure that it is completed and the original copy is handed to an executive before your first game. If it is not completed, you will not be able to compete. 

Link to Underage Waiver Form


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